Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Thought Thursday

No, my happy thought is not rain and it is definitely not snow! But if either of those things happen to be falling outside new windshield wipers will make me happy!!

Ok, maybe it's because I am from Arizona but I honestly did not know that you have to CHANGE your windshield wipers. Haha I really thought they would last just as long as the car. And hey, maybe they do in Arizona but they do not in Idaho. It really does make a huge difference when you can actually SEE out your windshield when it's raining/snowing.

**Another thing I did not know is that you have to put certain "cold weather" windshield wiper fluid in your car if you prefer it not FREEZE in the winter. Yes, mine was frozen all last winter! So if you and your car are new to cold weather, I'd recommend you change it now before it's too late.


Lori Allen said...

You are a cold weather pro! cookies on a rainy or snowy day are always a happy thought too...warm from the oven!

Kristalyn said...

Okay, that font on the header of your blog totally looks like your handwriting! Super cute, I love it! You are brave to live in ID... those winters are brutal!

Amy said...

the things we learn once we leave the comfort of the beautiful state of arizona...

kaylenmargaret said...

Thank you so much for the idea! I used it and it made my talk turn out so much better! : )