Monday, September 27, 2010

3 Years Ago...

Three years ago today I was flying to EUROPE for a month long study abroad! Oh how I would love to do it all again (with my sister and Kory)! Every year around this time I pull out the journal I kept while I was there and get all nostalgic. Since I didn't have my blog back then most of you haven't heard about this amazing experience in my life, so I figured as I go through my journal over the next few weeks I will share some of the stories, pictures, etc. with you. It will get random but should be pretty entertaining...

September 27th, 2007
Sitting in the Atlanta airport waiting for our flight to ROME! Can't believe I am actually going. Enjoyed some Panda Express during our layover.

Funny story....This morning Bree was bragging about her “amazing suitcase,” that has all these pockets, can fit tons of stuff, is light weight, etc. etc. Two seconds after she finished telling us this, when she goes to roll it, she pulls up on the handle and it completely comes off! So there she is holding JUST the handle and her “amazing suitcase” is laying on the ground. It was classic. (Maybe you had to be there??!)


Amy said...

hahaha. you didn't have to be there. that story is hilarious. although i'm sure being there would have only added to the humor.

glad to hear i'll be included in the next european trip plans :)

Amber said...

It doesn't help that every year at this time, I have to watch my parents get ready and go back...without me. This year is the worst! I wish I was there so bad! We had so many good times!

Lori Allen said...

funny. I pulled out that journal here a couple weeks ago myself. Love that it was such an amazing experience for you. That suitcase story does make me laugh outloud!