Saturday, September 25, 2010

A [Kory] Update

I realized that I haven't mentioned Kory recently so this update is about him.
Most of the time Kory is
WORKING. He works hard and he works a lot. It makes me tired. But don't worry, he has found quite a bit of time to play this summer also...
he is not working he is golfing, fishing, watching football, get the point. Typical man, right?!

(Picture from when we went miniature golfing this summer, right after he hit a hole in one.)
He had a golf tournament last weekend for all the county employees. His team took 3rd place and even got a trophy! (What are we going to do with that? Haha)
In August he went with his dad, brother and friend on a fishing trip. Unfortunately the lake they planned to go to in Yellowstone was closed "due to bear activity." So they had to settle on a different lake that none of them had been to before. Long story short, they came home early without many fish, all of their packs (and phones and cameras) SOAKING wet.

We had a fun party for the first Boise State game of the season when Boise beat Virgina Tech. Tonight should be another good game and Kory is excited to actually go to Boise for a game later this season.

(Note the Boise State shirt! He has SIX so he's wearing one more often than not.)
Kory's work schedule didn't work out very good for hunting this year, but he is headed out bow hunting right after work (and maybe the Boise game) tonight. Let's hope he will be successful in the three days he has. If not...never fear...there's always rifle season in October!

1 comment:

Lori Allen said...

Very nice! We love Kory!