Friday, August 26, 2011

Landscaping: Part 2

It has taken me long enough to post this...back in JUNE we got grass! It is much better looking than a bunch of dirt and I actually like opening my blinds now!

Kory was so excited the night the sod was delivered he had to start laying it right away!

Proof that I did help (and I was already pregnant!) That stuff is HEAVY!

Our garden is growing like crazy! We have plenty of zucchini and tomatoes if anyone wants any! We should have corn, carrots, onions and squash pretty soon too.

Our cute (Boise State) chairs. Thanks mom!

And my new spring/summer wreath (that is only on my door some days, thanks to the lovely Idaho wind that likes to blow it away).

Dear Baby,
We have grass! This is a recent development so your dad is pretty excited about it. So excited in fact that he said he doesn't even want to teach his kids how to mow the lawn because he is going to enjoy mowing it so much. How lucky would you be if you NEVER have to mow our lawn?? We'll see how long your dad's excitement lasts.
Love, Mom

1 comment:

Danny & Alyssa Coon said...

I'm so jealous of your yard, I can't wait to someday have a house and yard! The casino that the buffet is at in Vegas is called The M, I'm not exactly sure where it is because I wasn't paying attention while we were driving there :) but I do remember that it's not on the strip. Let me know if you guys try it out sometime.