Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Thought Thursday

I am happy when I climb into a warm bed (with freshly washed sheets)!

Kory and I are actually quite perfect for each other, because he prefers getting into the bed when the sheets are still cool. So he gets in bed first...warms it up...then I get in.

What makes you happy...warm or cool sheets?


jen said...

Cool. I think it stems from the ID upbringing. I don't know about Kory, but if Brad warms up my sheets, it makes me a little grumpy!

Kristalyn said...

There's nothing better than freshly washed sheets after they've had time to cool down. Cool, crisp cleanness. So good! :)

Danny & Alyssa Coon said...

I definitely like cool sheets except on the very rare occasion that it is freezing outside (which is like never here in the valley) then I like them to be warm and cuddly :)

Chase and Amy said...

Mmm. Definitely cool. But then, we're in Mesa. If it was Idaho, I'd have to say warm. :)

WhitneyNTyson said...

Getting into clean sheets with shaved legs nothing better!!!

Dallin & Ashley said...

WARM! ...I thnk it's an Arizona thing...:)

Soozcat said...

Cool sheets, warm hubby.