-We went to Vegas (like in January) but I never blogged about it. We met my parents and some friends there and had a fabulous time! We enjoyed the buffets, a few shows, shopping, racing go-carts and walking the strip. This is the only picture I got of us (it doesn't even look like we're in Vegas, we were at an indoor go-cart track).
-My family came to visit (and then I went with them to Utah for a week)! They got to see our new house, we went to the Hot Springs in Pocatello, did lots of shopping, played games and went bowling!
-I went to Boise this last weekend to see Kory! Kory is in the middle of FIVE weeks of training at the Police Officer Academy in BOISE! (But I do get to see him on the weekends.) It's definitely not fun being away from each other so much! Anyway, we had fun in Boise together. We ate chinese food, Cheesecake Factory and spent more time wandering around Cabela's than the mall! (Story of my life. Haha)
-Missing Kory!
-Watching the snow fall outside.
-Happy because all 3 of my bathrooms are clean.
-Trying to decide if I'm bored enough to finish watching last night's episode of American Idol. I'm just not getting into it this season.
-Looking forward to Easter and General Conference.
-Can't wait for Kory's graduation from training so he can come live with me again!!
-Counting down the days until we go to MESA!
-Hoping it will warm up soon so we can start landscaping/gardening.
-Excited about spring/summer, which means sunshine, camping and sno-cone dates!
T you are very lucky he didn't join the military and go away for 5 MONTHS of training and then a year long deployment. 5 weeks is cake. I do it all the time. Key is to stay extra busy. Never sit down without something to do or else your mind wanders. I even go into my showers with a plan because everyone knows that is the best place to think and why would you want to do that when your husband is gone! lol. Miss you! Cant wait to see you in July :)
love all the pictures.
sorry you're missing him. call me if you ever get lonely :)
love you.
I don't know how this blogging thing works. I am trying to find out if you are related to an Elder Sibbett who is serving in McAllen TX. He is my son's companion there right now. Please shoot me a note at chrisandvicky@comcast.net. Thank you!
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