Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Confession .2.

Last week we had leftovers for dinner...

Three nights in a row!

But hey, if it makes any difference, we had something different all three nights!

Kory claims that when we were dating I swore that we would never eat leftovers. That does sound like something I would say. Obviously, I had a change of heart.


Lori Allen said...

but you HAD leftovers! I'm sure they were delicious! Just call it buffet night and pretend you're in Vegas!

Angie Milne said...

mmm sounds like my kinda cooking :) haha stu is so WEIRD about eating leftovers, I wish I could get him to eat them even one day after! I love these confessions!

Angie Milne said...

ps i am SO with you on the fitted sheets, I dont even know where ours are... probably rolled up and shoved in a closet somewhere :)