Friday, September 17, 2010

Fill in the blank Friday

My blog posts have been lacking lately, so I've gone to others to find inspiration. I recently found this blog and I decided to participate in her Fill in the blank Friday...

1. When I get a day to myself I like to... sleep in, mop my floor and catch up on my shows in the DVR.

2. High school was.... just high school. It was fun while it lasted. Junior year was probably the best and my favorite class was Mrs. Ries AP Government (or History, I forgot!) .

3. A little dream I have is... Learn how to golf without Kory knowing so the first time I agree to go play with him I can beat him.

4. A big dream I have is... To open a reception hall/center in Idaho Falls. There a very limited options in this area to have your wedding reception. I have thought about this quite a bit and am always checking out buildings for sale around town. There are a few buildings that have great exterior potential and good locations (but parking probably not enough parking). I absolutely love "planning" so I think I might enjoy running a place like this. **Remember this is a BIG dream here!**

5. If I could drive any car my pick would be... Hmm, I am not really a car person. I'm pretty content with my car so maybe eventually just an upgrade of what I have?!

6. A time that I felt really and truly beautiful was... Luckily it was when we had family pictures taken a few months ago. I was having a good (long) hair day, I had a decent tan from camping/being out on the lake the weekend before and my face was clear.

7. Tomorrow I will.... be sleeping in, then treating myself to a pedi/mani (with a gift card/birthday present) while Kory is golfing.


Lori Allen said...

love it! keep them coming. I tried to fill in the blanks for myself, hmmm. My dreams involve traveling with my family and having my children all live happily "forever" after. I could care less what kind of car I drive as long as it runs--though Scott has very big opinions on this! Tomorrow I will be running very early, working at the temple and enjoying Dad home. and that's pretty much what I like to do when I get a day to myself--except having the run a little later in the day and adding dinner out with family and friends, of course!

Tara said...

I have a similar "Big Dream" :) You would be fantasic at that! I'm excited to read more Fill in the Blank Fridays!