*My neck is killing me. I kind of want to go to a chiropractor. I could get a massage every month for the price we are paying monthly for our gym membership...
*I really hope our house is done by the time we have to be moved out of our apartment. I am not looking forward to cleaning this apartment. Ugh. Atleast my mom will be here the week before to help! But I actually like packing. Maybe I will find something exciting that I forgot I had.
*Where am I going to hang my hand/dish towels in our new house? I want to put "decorative" towels on the oven handle thing...but then I have nowhere to hang my "usable" ones. Kory will probably go and use the decorative ones every time anyway. Maybe I can find a cute hook or something. (Definitely looked online for some today... I am very much liking these!)

*I am excited for that movie to come out this weekend. (NO - not New Moon.) The Blind Side. Maybe Kory will take me to see it since he doesn't have to work this Friday night. (It's his first Friday night off in several weeks!)
*In-N-Out is opening in Provo this weekend. I'm not even from California but I started craving it today. I've heard Five Guys Burgers is similar to In-N-Out. Maybe we can eat there before we go to the movie.
*I should really start working on my Relief Society lesson. It's my last lesson before we move! I wonder what my new calling will be. I don't even know what calling I 'd pick even if I could. What am I going to wear on Sunday?
*Why did I buy that skirt today? I go to the mall looking for a jacket and come home with a jacket AND a skirt. I didn't need that skirt. But it's cute and it's a jean skirt so I think I will wear it enough to get my money's worth. I always feel guilty spending money on just myself. Kory never gets mad at me for spending money, but still. It's kind of Kory's fault...He left my jacket on the cruise ship, which is why I had to go to the mall to get a new one in the first place.
*There's a big craft fair at the High School on Saturday. Maybe I will find something cute. Maybe I shouldn't go, cause I just bought myself that skirt.
*Why haven't I heard back about that job?? The guy that interviewed me told me that I was one of their top two candidates! So frustrating. I guess I was the lesser of the "top two."
*I wonder what I am going to be in charge of for Thanksgiving this year. Kory always brags about my cooking to his family...why does he do that? I stress out every time I have to cook something for them. Maybe I will volunteer to bring butternut squash. That is "Thanksgiving-ey" and I haven't had that in forever. Except...I've never even made that before.
*I should really wipe down the inside of our microwave. I haven't done that in a while.
*Mmm...I am hungry. I'm totally craving white hot chocolate and congo bars (peanut butter rice krispie treat things).
*Why does Kory fall asleep so fast? I can not get comfortable. My neck still hurts. We need new pillows. At least I just washed the sheets. They smell good!
...and I think I fell asleep soon after that. Instead of counting sheep I count Kory's light snores! HAHA True story.
What's been on your mind lately??
Oh wow! That made me tired! I hope you "turn off your mind" most nights! That's the best part of the day--thinking of all the good things in life...as you fall asleep! Love you, Mom
It's kind of nice just spilling your thoughts like that huh? that in'n'out comment made me go crazy..............i want it soooo bad! dang it taralynn!
That's funny! I hate nights like those when Tyler is asleep and I am laying there with my head spinning. You're a better wife then me because I wake Tyler up and talk to him until I can fall asleep. Are you excited about you new home!! That is SOO cool! I can't wait to see pictures. When do you move in?
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