This past weekend we went camping and rafting with Kory's family. I never realized camping was so much work until I went camping with Kory! Seriously, I feel like we're moving when we load up the car to go camping, we take SOO much stuff. But we always have fun and eat plenty! I have never been rafting before so I'll admit that I was a little nervous, but it was a pretty tame river...with just enough rapids for some excitement! Of course, I was the only one to fall out of the raft! Ha ha, yes leave it to me - Kory didn't even notice I fell out until his brother started yelling and pointing! I'm OK though!
I'm a horrible person cause I didn't get any good pictures. But here are a few just for kicks (no we are not in that raft, just some random people that went by when I had my camera out) and then there's a video of a guy surfing on the river that we went down. Seriously, I bet you didn't know you could surf in Idaho!!
And I thought I would be done with my travels after this camping trip BUT I am going to Provo to see my mom and help my sister move in this weekend, then going back to Utah for a big craft fair with Kory's mom and sisters next weekend, plus there is one last camping trip in the works for sometime in September. Lovely!
sounds like a fantastic birthday! i have P90 too, maybe we should be each others suport system! (so far I have only done one disc and I'm not a fan.. mostly because of the instructor, such a weirdo!) i love how much you guys get to do outdoors! looks so fun, we'll have to plan a visit :)
love your stories! thanks for sharing! see you soon! yeah! Mom
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