Thursday, June 4, 2009


I went to the Post Office the other day and noticed a sign similar to this on the door...

Now, is this really necessary? Can people with guide dogs SEE this? I thought it was amusing.


Stu and Angie Milne said...

haha silly.. although i do have a sister that asked "how do blind people drive?" haha

for the last post, i love all those things too!!! ah clorox wipes, i don't know how housewives survived before them! I haven't seen law and order, maybe we should try it after we finish LOST!

Tara said...

how funny! I'm can't say I'm ever overly suprised by the weird things I see in Idaho Falls, though, haha.

So are you back on track for school in the Fall?? You are pretty close to graduating, arent you?